
Proven Process

Step 1

Preliminary Assessment

Not a millionaire, no problem! At FranPath we are often asked, how much money do you need to invest in a franchise? There is a wide range of investment opportunities in the franchise space, but in our portfolio, the minimum financial requirements for our brands are $50,000 in liquid capital and $300,000 in net worth.

Step 1

Step 2

Introductory Call

This thirty-minute call with your dedicated consultant will allow you to share about yourself, your goals, and why you are interested in exploring business ownership. The consultant can answer any questions you may have about franchises, the FranPath process, or business ownership.

Step 2

Step 3

Business Interest Assessment

This call is all about you.  Your consultant will discuss everything from the type of employees you prefer, to how much money you need to make for the investment to be worth your time. FranPath will gauge your interest in all of the 20+ verticals that we represent while taking into consideration your personal strengths and weaknesses. The goal of this call is for the consultant to leave with enough information to be able to find businesses that are available and viable in your market of interest.

Step 3

Step 4

Brand Presentation

This is when the fun begins. Your consultant will take all the information from your previous calls and present you with concepts that fit your criteria and are available and viable in your market(s) of interest. We may challenge some of your existing thought patterns and ask you to step outside your comfort zone, but it's for the best. 

Step 4

Step 5

Touch Point

Touch Points are a vital part of the process. Your Consultant will keep a weekly touch point with you to discuss how the franchise discovery process is going, introduce you to our legal and financial partners, help eliminate options, and get answers to any questions that may be persistent. This is a time to voice both excitement and concerns.

Step 5

Step 6

Confirmation Day

The brand has invited you to join them at their confirmation day. This is a time to meet with the franchisor and their team, see the business live and in person, and get your last few questions answered before becoming a business owner. 

Step 6

Step 7

Business Ownership Begins

You made it! You have decided to take the life-changing steps to become a business owner. Your consultant’s role isn’t over now, our entire team is made up of business owners. When you need a kick in the butt or someone to listen, your consultant will have your back. 

Step 7

Ready to Get Started?

FranPath Consulting

The path to success through
business ownership.

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