At FranPath, we always start with the end in mind

Diversify Your Portfolio
When our clients traditionally view investing, they think of the stock market and real estate. Both of those avenues lack something that they crave, control. FranPath helps our clients diversify their investment portfolio, utilizing strategic business ownership as a path to long term wealth. If you’re tired of watching the stock market fluctuate, interest rates dictating your returns, or inflation cutting into your bottom line, then maybe it’s time to take your investments into your own hands.
Invest in Yourself
Without Leaving Your 9-5
Not ready to completely leave the comfort of Corporate America? Don’t worry, 90% of our clients don’t immediately leave their day jobs. At FranPath we help people craft an offramp from Corporate America by building a thriving manager run business while maintaining their 9-5. If you have 15-20 hours a week, experience leading people, and capital to invest in a strong leadership team, then semi-passive business ownership could be a fit for you.

Kiss the Corporate Grind Goodbye
Are you tired of living life on an airplane, constantly missing out on important life events? Are you ready to trade airline status for more time with your family? If your legs are tired from climbing the corporate ladder, then now may be the right time to bet on yourself. FranPath provides corporate refugees with hundreds of viable options to transition into business ownership full-time.
Ready to Get Started?
FranPath Consulting
The path to success through
business ownership.